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LOL: Far-Left Democrat Thinks CRT is Like Science [LISTEN]

What is Critical Race Theory? Some on the right might say that it’s just vile, racist propaganda that has been repurposed and disguised as enlightened thinking by those in the DNC and globalist left looking to get a step up on conservatives. Others see it as a way of further attacking and degrading Heritage Americans. Still others see it as laughably dumb. Most see it as some combination of all three.

But then there’s the left, which seems fully bought into the nonsense. Among those leftists that are fully bought into the CRT trash is Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin Mandela Barnes, who’s also running as the Democrat Senate candidate for Wisconsin. According to Barnes, teaching Critical Race Theory in classrooms is just like teaching science or other, real subjects.

Listen to that here:

As you can hear in the audio attached to the tweet, Barnes apparently thinks that teaching Critical Race Theory is like science. In his words:

“My response is, you know, are you that ashamed of reality or that ashamed of the history that you want to make it illegal for people to learn about it? And there are far more people in the country in this state, too, who understand. And I liken it to learning about science — like this is what it is and people should know about it.”

Barnes was predictably slammed for the comment by the campaign of the Republican running against him, Sen. Ron Johnson, whose spokesman spoke to Breitbart on the matter and said:

“It’s no surprise Mandela Barnes wants to brainwash our children by pushing liberal, America-blaming nonsense into school curriculum. He is endorsed by some of the most extreme groups out there, and his policies would make Wisconsin less prosperous and less safe.”

This isn’t Barnes’ first radical attack on America’s history and founding, however. He also framed the prosperity of the United States as being built on “stolen land” and due to “forced labor,” ignoring that the land was won through martial conquest and that there was a good bit more to things than just slaves building everything. In any case, he, speaking on that, said:

“The United States of America is the most wealthy, it is the most powerful nation on Earth, and that is because of forced labor on stolen land. We have to teach the reality of why we are where we are, or else people will just assume it just happened this way because of hard work, because of pulling up by your bootstraps … We should teach objectively, we should speak critically about why this nation is the way that it is.”

In such comments he echoes many other Democrats, who have taken to criticizing America for its perceived failures when measured against the standards of the modern day rather than viewing history through the lens of the culture, standards, and laws at the time, or with any perspective of what was going on in the wider world at the time.

By: Gen Z Conservative

This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics