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Instructors Are Being Forced to Teach Outrageously Inappropriate Content in Northeast State …Or Risk Disciplinary Action

New state-wide education standards in New Jersey teach students as young as 13 years old about anal sex and their pregnancy options, and school districts that refuse to comply may be faced with “disciplinary action,” or lose their funding.

The New Jersey Board of Education proudly adopted these stomach-churning standards in June 2020, and schools are now required to implement them beginning this month. Despite the concerns from parents and school districts, the state’s Department of Education has warned that schools that fail to comply with these outrageous new standards may face discipline. 

The state standards describe what students should learn by each grade level, leaving it up to the districts to design a curriculum that follows the standards. By the eighth grade, according to the state of New Jersey standards, students should be able to “describe pregnancy testing, the signs of pregnancy, and pregnancy options, including parenting, abortion, and adoption;” and “Define vaginal, oral, and anal sex.” By eighth grade, the students should also know what to do in the event of having to eliminate an unplanned pregnancy or how to deal with STIs, including HIV.

One mother who has children enrolled in the Berkeley Heights school district called these monstrous standards “harmful and offensive,” adding that it was extremely difficult to find exactly what her children would be learning on the school’s website. 

The mom, who asked to remain anonymous, has since chosen to opt her children out of the parts of the updated sex-ed curriculum she and her husband found alarming but worries that other parents in New Jersey may not be aware of what their children are being taught.  

“All I’m asking for is transparency and accountability,” she said, adding that she hopes other parents realize that they can opt their kids out of learning such harmful and shameful content in school. But this isn’t a standardized test. This hinders on child abuse, and I don’t think it should stop with “opting out.” Yes, there needs to be accountability, but it needs to go further than this. We need a reset on public education nationwide and complete disbandment of the Department of Education. 

What happened to the core curriculum, like math, English, Science, and history? Why is it so important to teach children about any of this stuff? 

The Berkeley Heights school district superintendent, Dr. Melissa Varley, said the school district was presented with the new Physical Ed Curriculum on August 11th at the Public Board Meeting, explaining that the opt-out process is available to all parents. Parents are also welcome to review the curriculum guides and teaching materials personally. 

She also noted that, regardless of what the district might believe about these new standards, New Jersey state law requires that they be taught. “If we do not, we do not pass New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum (NJQSAC) monitoring. If the district fails this process, we may become ineligible for state and even federal funding.” And there it is…funding. 

“The New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) are mandatory for Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to implement and failure to comply can result in disciplinary action,” said a spokesperson for the New Jersey Department of Education. The one question that hasn’t been answered is, why is it necessary to teach children about adult content in the first place? Try to Google it, and you will not find an answer anywhere, and the fact that parents aren’t rising and asking the question is alarming.  



This story syndicated with permission from For the Love of News