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Watch: Donald Trump STUNS Sean Hannity With Mind-Numbing Prediction On Gas Prices

Donald Trump gave exclusive access to Sean Hannity the other night, and during the midst of their conversation he stunned the Fox statesman with a prediction on the future of oil prices. Basically, it doesn’t look good. You know it, I know it, and Trump knows it. For now, though, he suggests prices are being manipulated to benefit Democrats at midterms.

Hannity begins the segment by noting that when Trump “left the presidency gas was two dollars and like twenty cents a gallon.”

On that point, the former president intervenes: “Well, actually, less, you have to go back to the date of the election, so you go back to November third. Don’t go back to January…During that period, it was $1.87 and during that period it was also $1.50,” he says. “We had gasoline and it was increible what was happening.”

Hannity bullet points everything that was going well under Donald Trump. Borders were secure, gas was cheap, energy was cheap. And then Biden steps into office and runs the entire operation into the ground. With everything else going on, such as handing out and printing money everywhere, inflation spiked and is causing an unstainable effect. As it pertains to gas and energy prices, this is where Trump expresses the most concern. He says: 

“It’s going to be much higher as soon as the elections are over. They are artificially – I filled up the strategic reserves when oil was cheap. I bought  75 million barrels at a very, very cheap price. Filled it all up, right to the top; first time in fifty years it was filled.”

Then Trump dropped the bomb:

“They’re giving it to people to keep the oil prices down before the election. When the election is over, gasoline prices are going through the roof. And so will your heating bills, your electric bills. Think about it.”

Watch below as Trump fills in Hannity and his viewers on his ticking time bomb prediction on the impending cost of energy:

Naturally, corporate media spun the conversation trying to paint Brandon in the best light possible. Benzinga was quoted at MSN as saying the White House deserves credit for nearly 100 days of falling crude prices.

Gas prices in the U.S. have been falling since peaking at $5.02 a gallon in June amid the summer driving season. The nationwide average gas price for regular-grade gasoline was $3.678 a gallon, according to data from the American Automobile Association. The White House tweeted on Saturday that gas prices have dropped for 95 straight days across the country.

It’s an astonishing fib and grossly misleading statement, considering at various times the White House suggested that a President wasn’t responsible for prices (when they were high). If anything, these figures corroborate what the former president said to Sean Hannity.

Gas prices have been declining, and perhaps will continue to decline, up until the midterms. After that is when consumers should begin to worry.

This story syndicated with permission from The Blue State Conservative