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Guess They’ll Freeze! U.N. Warns No Fossil Fuels for European Winter!

Man, I hate the winter. Everything hurts when it gets cold and damp. I’d like to have me a little global warming year-round! The joints feel better when they are lubed with heat and sweet, sweet humidity. Unfortunately, not everyone shares my unique point of view. In fact, the United Nations is basically telling Europe to “shut up and put on a sweater”. While I make light, this is a serious situation.

The zeal to eliminate fossil fuels to combat the boogey man of climate change has gotten out of control. Most of Europe is staring down winter and with no fuel to heat their homes, people, particularly old, poor and young, are going to die as a result. The transition to “green” energy is not ready, and won’t be for years, if ever, yet governments across the world are dragging their citizens kicking and screaming into a real winter of death, unlike Joe Biden’s fake winter of death last year. Check this out from Breitbart:

The world is grappling with the worst energy crisis in generations however the U.N. has warned Europe a return to fossil fuels in response to soaring prices and winter shortages must not be considered under any circumstances.

So, I suppose we let women, children and the elderly freeze, starve and die? What better way to reduce CO2 emissions than to have a few million fewer people expelling CO2? If this looks suspiciously like a global plan to reduce population, it’s because it probably is.

“There is no room for backtracking in the face of the ongoing climate crisis,” deputy U.N. rights chief Nada Al Nashif told the United Nations Human Rights Council.

She claimed the devastating floods affecting more than 33 million people in Pakistan are an example of what will happen to the world’s climate if there is a massed return to fossil fuels instead of seeking alternatives.

Really? Is that really what will happen? How about, it is the rainy season in Pakistan, and they are a third world country with an infrastructure not designed to handle it? It’s a tragedy what has happened there, but to just point a finger at fossil fuels is to ignore the underlying issues at hand with Pakistan’s infrastructure.

The irony is countries like Pakistan will suffer the most from a transition away from fossil fuels. Most, if not all of the world is ill equipped to hand even a small percentage of their energy needs over to sunshine and a leisurely breeze.

“How many more tragedies of this sort do we need before the urgency of the moment jolts us into action?” she pleaded.

The tragedy in Pakistan will be miniscule to the number of dead from a too-early transition away from fossil fuels. Starvation, exposure, and eventually civil unrest will be the byproduct, while China waits in the corner, building new coal plants and plotting how much of the world to take.

It’s a fool’s errand to abandon what humanity has done since the day it stepped out of a cave; burn stuff. We always have, and we always need to, lest millions die.

This story syndicated with permission from robm, Author at Trending Politics