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Watch: Bill Maher Proves Rob Reiner Is Really a “Meathead”

They say life imitates art, right? I don’t know if you really consider a network sitcom “art”, but if you were to, “All in the Family” would be a good place to start.

The iconic 70’s sitcom about a super conservative New York City man and his ultra-liberal daughter and son in law is relevant more now than ever, and just as funny as it was in the 70’s. While I didn’t always understand what my parents were laughing at, I certainly do now. Life imitating art and all, right?

Archie Bunker, the ultra-conservative father often sparred verbally with his son in law Mike, who he not so affectionately nicknamed “Meathead”. Meathead was portrayed by Rob Reiner, and once again as art imitates life, he’s a giant meathead for real!

Rob Reiner is one of the most vocal, ultra-liberal lefties and has been sticking his meaty head into politics with his wacky opinions for thirty years. Thankfully we now have social media so we can follow meathead and laugh at his exploits!

Recently Bill Maher, a lefty himself with a far less meaty head than Reiner, gave Rob the smack down on his show “Real Time”. Check this out from Breitbart:

Bill Maher exposed the political blind spot of Rob “Meathead” Reiner by stumping the actor with a question regarding the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story by legacy media.

The liberal host discussed whether it was merited for mainstream media outlets and social media platforms to suppress and censor the Hunter Biden laptop story.

We all know the answer to that question. Hell no! It’s shocking how many on the left totally justify the deceit around the Biden laptop as justified because they hated Trump so much. Guess what our country got in exchange. Joe Biden and the mess we are in now.

Maher asked, “Is it okay to have a conspiracy to get rid of Trump?”

“Now look, let’s not pussyfoot around this – he was selling the influence of his father, Joe Biden,” Maher stated. “I mean, most political sons do, but let’s not pretend at least that was going on… so Hunter Biden’s laptop was buried by the press.”

A very fair question that all liberals and Democrat candidates NEED to be asked, especially before the midterms. If every Republican candidate doesn’t just pointedly ask their Democrat opponents straight up, then they don’t deserve to be elected. The voting public needs to know if the candidate they are planning to vote for is in favor of lying and undermining an election.

Reiner – a staunch Democrat activist – deflected from Maher’s question with a whataboutism defense of harping on the Jan. 6 riot.

“You know what’s not justified? Using armed violence to try to kill people in the Capitol. That’s not justified,” Reiner replied.

Of course, Reiner tried to take the conversation in a different direction. That’s what Democrats do, especially when they don’t know an answer, or know they are wrong.

I also still assert that no one was trying to kill anyone at the capitol, except perhaps for the officer that shot Ashli Babbit, an unarmed protester as she was crawling in a window.

The exchange that took place after Maher corralled meathead and got the conversation back on track is stunning.

The “All in the Family” actor quizzically asked, “And we know for a fact that that’s what they did?”

Maher exclaimed, “Of course! You don’t follow this?”

Reiner conceded, “I don’t know that they did.”

Maher then zinged Reiner, “I know because you only watch MSNBC.”

BOOM! Game, set, and match! Meathead got served in the most delicious manner, as Bill Maher has done so many times before.

Folks, you have to get both sides of the story, unlike Rob Reiner. Always see things from every perspective, lest you end up sounding like a meathead. Don’t be a meathead.

This story syndicated with permission from robm, Author at Trending Politics