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Watch: Biden Has Another Senior Moment During Embarassing Attempt at Giving a Speech

Sure, the world might be collapsing as the incompetents in the Biden regime run about like chickens with their heads cut off, with Mayor Pete ranting about racist roads as Kamala offers up her very best cackle and Brandon plumbs the depths of what’s allowed before the 25th Amendment just has to be used to remove him.

Inflation might be wrecking your finances, gas prices might be making it painful to fill up your car, America certainly is humiliated on the world stage, and our enemies seem ascendant as we seem declining and unable to figure out what a woman is.

Well, all that’s true and it also looks like the economy is about to nosedive and throw us into a recession. So that’s nice.

But, at the very least, we get to crack jokes at Brandon’s express because he’s such an obviously demented fool that just can’t be taken seriously, even were he not a senile senior.

Whether the hilarious tumble from the bike incident or Biden saying “let’s go Brandon” on a Santa-themed phone call with parents around America, there’s always plenty of material to work with when joking about how Brandon’s brain seems more melted than butter in the microwave (and somehow smoother too!).

And now there’s yet more material to work with, as Biden was trying to speak about “fixing the system,” a typical DC talking point, and then lost his train of thought and had to wander off after pausing, saying “anyway.”

Watch that senile senior moment here:

For context, Biden was speaking about student loan relief during his remarks and trying to explain how forgiving thousands of dollars in student loans for those making under $150k would help fix the system.

As could be predicted, people online were quick to pile on and make fun of Biden following the clip of his awkward moment being released.

One commenter noted that Nancy Pelosi herself is the one that said the President of the United States can’t just forgive debts, saying:

Here’s what Nancy Pelosi said:

“People think that the President of the United States has the power for debt forgiveness, he does not. He can postpone, he can delay, but he does not have that power. Student loan forgiveness can only be accomplished through an act of Congress.”

Another noted that Brandon’s days as president look numbered and it seems that Kamala might soon replace him, saying:

He’s been on vacation for two weeks and he still can’t even get through one brief appearance.

It’s time to start placing bets on when Kamala replaces him.

Another mocked him as being unable to speak effectively, saying:

He sure does have a mastery of the English language, doesn’t he? Almost poetic. 😏

All true. But what needs to be remembered is that, though Biden looks the fool, he just signed a bill buying God knows how many votes by paying off student debt loans for many people, something that could help out Democrats in the upcoming midterms, whatever Biden’s mental shortcomings. Poking fun at him is, well, fun, but the truth of the matter must be understood too.

By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of Follow me on Facebook and Subscribe to My Email List

This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics