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Texas for the Win! District Bans CRT, Pronoun Usage for Kids

Slowly we are starting to stack some wins. Some states and school districts are coming back to their senses in regard to curriculum and policy, especially at the elementary level.

The progress is slow, and some states like California and New York are largely lost causes, but common-sense policies are starting to make a comeback.

Parents are starting to take a more active interest in what books kids are exposed to, what the curriculum includes in terms of gender theory and CRT, and what individual teachers are pushing on kids.

Just teach the curriculum! Keep your personal life and beliefs out of the classroom. Why is this so hard?

Recently, a Texas school district dropped the hammer on CRT and gender indoctrination. Let’s hope others will follow.

Here’s the details from Breitbart:

The Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District in Texas voted Monday to ban the teaching of critical race theory and not promote, require, or encourage the usage of pronouns not aligned with a student’s actual sex.

Gee, shouldn’t this be the way EVERY classroom operates?

Our schools shouldn’t be teaching kids that white people are inherently racist and if you are black or brown you can’t succeed because of your “oppression”.

CRT is one of the biggest, most destructive scams of our lifetime. It should be banned and shunned on every educational level.

Also, pronouns should be taught as a matter of grammar, not self-identity. Elementary aged kids shouldn’t be led one way or the other in terms of sexual identity. I shouldn’t even have to be typing that.

The 4-3 vote also implemented a strict process for reviewing library books and requires that students use the restrooms and locker rooms that align with their actual sexes. Library materials must be posted online and readily available for review by parents and a strict oversight process has been put in place for choosing and approving books.

Again, more common-sense stuff.

Who would have ever thought that we would have to pass rules stating kids have to use the locker room and rest room of their biological sex?

Folks, this is how far the left has run us off the rails. What should be just common sense is now something that has to be mandated, and likely will get supporters labeled as bigots.

ISD policy further bans the teaching of sexual orientation and gender identity until the fifth grade, boys from playing in girls’ sports, and New York Times “1619 Project” disinformation.

Thankfully another school board willing to do the necessary work to protect our kids. Children need to figure out who they are without adults scrambling their little brains.

Why is it even a question if a boy wants to play on the girls’ team? Why do we have to protect little kids from predatory curriculum designed to indoctrinate them?

Where did this madness come from and why didn’t we notice before now?

Finally, parents are starting to wake up and school boards are doing the right thing. The work is not done, however and the Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District in Texas needs to be the model moving forward.

This story syndicated with permission from robm, Author at Trending Politics