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A Democrat Lying? South Texas Shocker!!

I have an interesting “what if”. What if some of the sayings we have heard all our lives were actually true?

You know, like “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me”? We now know that one is untrue, since words are so awful, terrible, violent and painful!

How about “step on a crack, break your momma’s back”? How many mothers would be laid up in traction in the hospital? Hospitals are already overburdened by Covid patients. I kid!

How about “liar, liar, pants on fire”? Dang, there would be a lot of flaming britches running around, especially in Washington!

Also, in South Texas! Recently a far-left South Texas democrat won her primary, and promptly deleted most of her policy talking points from her website in exchange for what she thinks the voters in November want to hear. Good times!

Shame, shame, know your name. Your name is Michelle Villejo! Let’s check the Free Beacon and see what Michelle and her flaming Wranglers are up to:

South Texas Democrat Michelle Vallejo said she’s misleading voters about the radical nature of her policy positions after a Washington Free Beacon report revealed the congressional hopeful deleted her progressive platform from her campaign site.

After winning a bitter primary fight as an unabashed liberal, Vallejo scrubbed from her campaign site all evidence of her support for a slew of progressive policies—including Medicare for All, student debt cancellation, and a federal jobs guarantee.

Just days later, Vallejo said she still supports those policies, she just doesn’t want voters to know: Her campaign continues to back student loan forgiveness and Medicare for All but changed her site to “better reflect how the candidate is talking to voters.”

Wow, these are some shady dealings, no? I mean, I’ve always assumed any good politician will tell you whatever they have to in order to get your vote. That’s just the way the game is played, right?

At least try to make good on some of the less disruptive campaign promises, but no one expects miracles!

However, to win your primary with a far-left radical agenda and then promptly hide what your true beliefs and goals are, in favor of what you think the voters in November want to hear is just next-level dishonest. Even for a Democrat.

Vallejo’s decision to hide her liberal policy positions on the campaign trail comes as many Hispanic voters in South Texas shift to the right, a trend that jeopardizes Democrats’ longtime dominance in the Rio Grande Valley.

There is the important part. Vallejo wants to keep the support of voters that look like her, but she knows most of them are not on board with her wicky-wacky ideas and plans, so she is just willing to outright lie to them to get elected.

Credit Vallejo for at least smelling what is on the wind in her area, and I’m not talking about what’s wafting in from the cattle ranches, even though what she is spreading is similar.

Vallejo knows if the far left, or perhaps the left completely loses the Rio Grande Valley, they may never get it back.

Just another example of how black and brown voters are getting wise to the shady actions of their party and flocking to the right.

If I was a gambling man, I’d lay my money on Michelle Vallejo needing some new britches sooner rather than later.



This story syndicated with permission from robm, Author at Trending Politics