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Ridiculous: Humiliated Liz Cheney Continues Attacking Fellow Republicans to Leftist Cheers

Liz Cheney just got absolutely torn to pieces in the Wyoming primary race, with the GOP voters of that ruby red state metaphorically grabbing her by the britches and hurling her from the window into a pile of cow manure, with her defenestration happening to the applause of pretty much everyone in the GOP other than Adam Kinzinger.

And, predictably, Liz hasn’t learned a thing from her humiliation at the hands of her former constituents and is instead using her time to keep attacking fellow Republicans that are far more conservative for siding with the bad orange man.

Such is what she did with ABC’s Jon Karl, both pretending that she would be able to decimate Trump in a debate and attacking other Republicans in the legislature.

At one point during the interview, for instance, Karl asked her about a potential debate with Trump and acted like the GOP would be scared of having her debate him, asking :

“It sounds like the RNC is already trying to figure out ways to keep you out. You know, there’s this idea that to get in any debate, you’d have to promise to support the eventual nominee. I mean, that’s obviously not going to happen. You’re not going to do that?”

Cheney, obviously loving the flattery, responded by claiming that not only is the GOP scared of having her debate Trump but that Trump would be scared of such a debate too, saying:

“I can understand why they would not want me on a debate stage with Donald Trump. And I would imagine Donald Trump isn’t too interested in that either.”

But she didn’t just flatter herself. She also attacked conservative legislators that are, at the very least, far better than her, saying:

“It would be very difficult, when you look at somebody like Josh Hawley or somebody like Ted Cruz, both of whom know better, both of whom know exactly what the role of Congress is in terms of our constitutional obligations with respect to presidential elections, and yet both of whom took steps that fundamentally threatened the constitutional order and structure in the aftermath of the last election, so, you know, in my view, they both have made themselves unfit for future office.

Though no one in the GOP was likely convinced by Cheney’s vicious attacks on conservatives and Trump, her rambling obviously had its desired effect over at MSNBC, where Tara Setmayer acted like Cheney is doing a great job of defeating MAGA (despite her having just gotten humiliated in a primary), saying:

“Well, it’s not the new Liz, this is just Liz Cheney unleashed, right? This is what all the Republicans in Congress who are dancing on her political grave, they are going to regret that. Because now she gets to be the mirror, the conscience of the Republican Party, in their face constantly reminding them of what they’re doing, of their hypocrisy, of the fact that they should know better, and the fact that she has more courage than all of them combined.

“It just is such an incredible contrast and I’m here for it. Liz Cheney is coming for all of them. In the rest of that interview, she went after Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley and these other guys who know better than this MAGA act that they’re putting on just to appeal to the rabid MAGA base. She’s like, ‘You all know better. What are you doing?’ And she has the credibility to do it. She is a Cheney. You cannot question her conservative bona fides, for goodness sake. She voted with Trump 93% of the time in Congress. She’s a Cheney.

“They can’t come for her the same way to try to go after others, because the day that someone calls Liz Cheney a RINO, you just have to laugh in their face because that’s the weakest argument possible. So, Liz Cheney unleashed, I’m here for it. And the Republicans, she’s gonna be a thorn in their side for the immediate future, in these midterms, and going into the presidential election. And I don’t think they’re ready for her.”

Sure, Tara. “Her dad’s a war criminal that we called Hitler, so you can’t question her conservative bona fides!” Very convincing.

So, at the very least, at least Cheney’s rhetoric is working at getting her new friends on the far-left to keep complimenting her.

By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of Follow me on Facebook and Subscribe to My Email List

This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics