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Over 1,000 People Give Their Lives to Christ During This Huge Tour

An amazing harvest has gone viral after a video was shared online showing over 1,000 people giving their lives to Christ in the “God Loves You” tour led by Evangelist Franklin Graham throughout the U.K. on Saturday.

Graham, president, and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) and the Samaritan’s Purse compassionate service made a trip to Liverpool, South Wales, Sheffield, and London to share the Glad Tidings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Over 7,600 individuals gathered to hear Graham’s message and feel the presence of God at ExCel London on Saturday.

“God sent His Son Jesus Christ to this earth on a rescue mission to save us from our sins,” Graham told the crowd. “Jesus Christ died on a cross and He shed His blood to forgive our sins, and on the third day, He rose again. He’s not dead, He’s alive and He’s here at ExCeL tonight, and He will change your life if you put your faith and trust in Him.”

There were volunteers from over 3,000 churches across the U.K. and London there to help spread the message of God and make sure the tour went smoothly. The occasion, which started in May, included music from well-known and award-winning Christian artists, worship, and praise.

In total, 18,700 individuals attended the God Loves You Tour and of those, 1,400 gave their lives to Jesus Christ. Those who made the brave proclamation to follow Christ stepped forward boldly in front of everyone and were met with individuals who were associated with instructors and given resources to assist them with finding a nearby church to become their church home.

One of the best parts is that among the individuals that stepped forward were some children who also chose to surrender their lives to God. They were given special books to walk them through being a Christian while making sense of what the Bible has to say in such a way that children will be able to understand.

“The nation has been gripped with sorrow and the pain of loss. Many have lost hope and they are filled with anxiety and worry over the direction the world is heading,” said Rev. James. “The answer can only be found in Jesus Christ,” said Rev. Paul James, chief minister of Harrow International Christian Center in London.

However, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows the whole way through. As with many who choose to say, “Here am I. Send me!” there are battles that must be fought in the spiritual realm. The enemy must have been angry that these 1,400 people were going to make a bold move to be saved because ahead of Graham’s tour they were confronted with tremendous pushback from the LGBTQ activists and their allies over his biblical convictions.

I’ve said it many times, and I’ll say it again. If anyone is offended by the Word of God, it’s because it convicts the heart. Ads were being put up saying he’s a “hate preacher”, people were angry and there were even protests aimed at him over his convictions on traditional marriage and biblical sexuality – God’s way.

The Word says we’ll be persecuted, and to know that before we were hated the world first hated Him (Jesus). However, we know that God has already won, and despite all the hatred, the preacher remained focused on his mission to spread the love of God to all people – even those throwing hate at him.

Franklin Graham’s effort in London occurred 33 years after his dad Billy Graham’s last occasion in the city at Wembley Stadium in 1989. Throughout thirty years, Billy Graham spoke about the gospel to a great many individuals in London.

To all those who gave their lives to Christ on this day, I say to you welcome to the family, and may you ever grow closer to God and his Spirit be a lamp unto your steps forevermore. Amen.

This story syndicated with permission from My Faith News