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Texas Rep. demands children be banned from Drag Queen shows after questionable videos emerge

Bryan Slaton, a Texas state Rep. vowed to introduce a bill to prohibit kids from attending drag shows. He drew an immediate censure from those who think that’s the least of kids’ worries given the recent massacre at an elementary school. The East Texas Republican tweeted: “Drag shows are no place for a child.” The controversial video was posted by Tayler Hansen and can be seen below:


He also added that he plans to introduce legislation to prohibit holding drag shows “in the presence of minors” in the state.

Apparently, he was triggered by a weekend show in a Dallas bar, which was advertised as family-friendly revelry, titled “Drag the Kids to Pride Drag Show,” a spinoff of the venue’s Champagne Drag Brunch at which kids could dance on stage with performers. However, one can see in the background a sign that does not have a safe for work meaning and the venue/performers should be for adults only.

According to a report, protesters showed up, and footage surfaced online of drag queens dancing for children, who tipped them with cash, per report.

“At a drag show in Dallas this past weekend, sick adults enticed kids to put dollar bills into the underwear of men dressed as women. This is disgusting and dangerous. It can’t be allowed to continue. My Republican colleagues and I will protect kids from these sickos,” Slaton tweeted.

“The events of this past weekend were horrifying and show a disturbing trend in which perverted adults are obsessed with sexualizing young children. As a father of two young children, I would never take my children to a drag show, and I know Speaker Dan Phelan and the rest of my Republican colleagues wouldn’t either. Protecting our own children isn’t enough, and our responsibility as lawmakers extends to the sexualization that is happening across Texas,” Slaton continued.

Throughout Pride Month, this event was just one of many kid-friendly shows taking place in the state.

“I promised my voters that I would stand up for their values and fight to protect Texas kids. I was re-elected on that promise and I intend to keep it by authoring legislation to defend kids from being subjected to drag shows and other inappropriate events. I look forward to working with my colleagues to pass this important legislation,” added Slaton.

The contrast between that and his response to the shootings in Uvalde, in which an 18-year-old gunman on May 24 mowed down 19 fourth-graders and two teachers at Robb Elementary School, about 400 miles southwest of his territory, was immediately pointed out by the critics and LGBTQ advocates.

Democratic state Rep. Erin Swiener tweeted: ” ‘Protect’ children…from everything but the firearms that are actually killing them. ‘Parent choice’…until parents choose something they don’t like. Texans don’t need a nanny y’all, & that’s who the GOP wants to be. Over your shoulder, judging your parenting every single day.”

Slaton’s efforts were called by the advocates a decoy designed to draw attention away from things like gun control.

Emmett Schelling, executive director of the Transgender Education Network of Texas said that “This is a diversion tactic like it’s always been.”

LGBTQ people “are characterized as a threat to children, but we just saw what the real threat to children is, in horrific detail. These bodies haven’t all been put in the ground,” he added.

Slaton said that the murder of nearly two dozen people, most of them children, at their school did not indicate a need to reform gun laws.

“So far I haven’t heard anything that makes me think we need to change the gun laws,” Slaton said.

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