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Biden White House Finally Addresses “F*** Joe Biden” and “Let’s Go Brandon” Chants

The Biden White House has finally addressed the viral “F*** Joe Biden” chants and is claiming that they are completely unaware of the viral trend.

“Administration officials sought to downplay the phenomenon, and at least one claimed to be unfamiliar with the ‘Let’s go Brandon’ chant or its cruder cousin, though they are now chanted everywhere from football stadiums to concert arenas to local bars,” The Washington Post reported on Saturday.

White House spokesman Andrew Bates, who must live under a rock, claimed, “I had never heard of that chant until you explained it to me.”

“I guess I’m not spending enough time on 8chan or whatever,” Bates, who must never leave his house continued.

The comments from Bates are comical to say the least considering even President Joe Biden has addressed the chants while reacting to anti-Biden protesters with “F*** Joe Biden” signs and chants while visiting Michigan on October 5.

The Daily Wire reports:

An irritated President Joe Biden on Tuesday evening reacted to his chilly reception in Michigan, boasting to his hundreds of protesters — many holding “f*** Joe Biden” signs — that he won the 2020 election with a record 81 millions votes.

“They said it was time to build an economy that looks out from Scranton, Pennsylvania — where I grew up as a kid — instead of looking down from Wall Street. Notwithstanding some of the signs I saw coming in … that’s why 81 million Americans voted for me,” Biden said, emphasizing that he has a mandate to implement his “Build Back Better” agenda (video below). “The largest number of votes in American history — a clear majority!”

The Post article notes the “harsh” animus toward Biden while linking it to the “norm-breaking and vulgarity of the Trump era” adding that Biden pushback is “on another level” and “far more vulgar and widespread”:

Yet the anger also demonstrates how a political party or cause often needs an enemy, a target of vilification that can unite its adherents — and, in this case, one refracted through the harshness, norm-breaking and vulgarity of the Trump era. … The current eruption of anti-Biden signs and chants, however, is on another level, far more vulgar and widespread.

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